Usually, the planetarium show presented in a foreign language was the same show performed for the general public, currently at that time, in the English language. Each year, Buhl Planetarium contracted with language teachers to translate our regular planetarium shows into other languages for these shows.
Prior to the planetarium sky show, often the school groups would perform skits, spoken in the foreign language they were studying, on Buhl Planetarium's theatrical stage (first permanent theatrical stage constructed in a planetarium theater: 1939 October 24). Long-time Buhl Planetarium Technician James Hughes directed the Foreign Language Festival in the last few years before Buhl Planetarium closed as a facility performing planetarium shows for the general public in 1991. The Foreign Language Festival was not continued at the Henry Buhl, Jr. Planetarium at The Carnegie Science Center.
The Foreign Language Festival was actually the successor to a Latin Festival, which Buhl Planetarium offered in its early years (as late as the Spring of 1972). At that time, planetarium shows were narrated in the Latin language.
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History of Andrew Carnegie and Carnegie Libraries
Historic Duquesne Incline cable-car railway, Pittsburgh
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