Authored By Glenn A. Walsh *** Sponsored By Friends of the Zeiss
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News Archives Page |
News: Astronomy, Space, Science |
Special Note Regarding News Reports and Links
Knoll, Corina.
"Founders fear Stony Ridge Observatory might be lost in Station fire." Blog: L.A. Now.
Los Angeles Times On-Line 2009 Sept. 2.
Johnson Jr., John.
"Fire forces scientists to halt research at Mt. Wilson Observatory."
Los Angeles Times 2009 Sept. 2.
Malik, Tariq.
"Trash in Space May Force Shuttle, Station to Dodge."
Yahoo/ 2009 Sept. 2.
Adegoke, Yinka and Alexei Oreskovic.
"YouTube may stream movie rentals."
The Washington Post On-Line 2009 Sept. 2.
Dunn, Marcia.
"Space shuttle blasts off, finally flying on try 3."
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review/AP On-Line 2009 Aug. 29.
"NASA's Shuttle Discovery Launches to Enhance Space Station Science."
NASA 2009 Aug. 29.
Kalson, Sally.
"City's ToonSeum growing up."
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 2009 Aug. 29.
Emerging Pittsburgh Cartoon museum expanding beyond Children's Museum.
Hoag, Christina.
"Calif. firefighters wage fierce wildfire battles."
Google/AP 2009 Aug. 28.
"The fire above La Canada Flintridge was moving eastward and residents of adjacent
Altadena were likely to see flames, said U.S. Forest Service spokesman Stanton Florea.
A major goal was to keep the fire from spreading up Mount Wilson, where many of the
region's broadcast and communications antennas and the historic Mount Wilson Observatory
are located, Florea said."
"NASA Selects 16 Small Business Research and Technology Projects."
NASA 2009 Aug. 28.
Borenstein, Seth.
"To the moon, NASA? Not on this budget, experts say."
Yahoo/AP 2009 Aug. 26.
Spatter, Sam.
"CCAC to build $20 million science building on North Side."
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 2009 Aug. 26.
Cronin, Mike.
"Carnegie Mellon scientists' software a step to treating complex diseases."
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 2009 Aug. 26.
"Flashback to Neptune's Moon Triton."
Jet Propulsion Laboratory/NASA 2009 Aug. 25.
"NASA Sets New Target Launch Date for Space Shuttle Discovery."
NASA 2009 Aug. 25.
Dunn, Marcia.
"NASA preps space shuttle for early morning launch."
Yahoo/AP 2009 Aug. 24.
Rao, Joe.
"Space Shuttle Launch Visible from East Coast."
Yahoo/ 2009 Aug. 24.
"Mars rover still stuck in Martian sand."
UPI 2009 Aug. 24.
Pawlowski, A.
"What's a planet? Debate over Pluto rages on."
CNN 2009 Aug. 24.
Grossman, Lisa.
"Landing sites on Europa identified."
New Scientist Magazine 2009 Aug. 24.
O'Brien, Jeffrey M.
"First electric cars, now electric planes." Blog: Brainstorm Tech.
CNN/Fortune Magazine On-Line 2009 Aug. 24.
Null, Christopher.
"It ain't poltergeists: Cell phone activates oven." Blog: The Working Guy. 2009 Aug. 24.
Boitard, Catherine.
"Fires rob pollution-choked Athens of fresh air filter.
Yahoo/AFP 2009 Aug. 24.
Choi, Charles Q.
"The Appendix: Useful and in Fact Promising."
Yahoo/ 2009 Aug. 24.
Burns, Judith.
"Upwards lightning caught on film."
BBC 2009 Aug. 23.
"Why Sleep? Snoozing May Be Strategy To Increase Efficiency, Minimize Risk."
Science Daily 2009 Aug. 23.
"NASA To Air Stephen Colbert Message On Eve Of Shuttle Launch."
NASA 2009 Aug. 21.
Beatty, Kelly.
"Jupiter's Impact: Gone in 30 Days."
Sky and Telescope Magazine On-Line 2009 Aug. 21.
"Chandra Turns Ten."
NASA 2009 Aug. 19.
X-Ray Observatory in space still providing good science.
Walsh, Glenn A.
"Zeiss to be Reassembled: Science Center Announcement." News Release.
Friends of the Zeiss 2009 Aug. 18.
Friends of the Zeiss statement regarding Carnegie Science Center announcement
that historic Zeiss II Planetarium Projector would be reassembled as exhibit, to be
displayed in Carnegie Science Center atrium by late 2010.
"NASA Launches New Technology: An Inflatable Heat Shield."
NASA 2009 Aug. 17.
"We have a 'right to starlight,' astronomers say."
Statement of International Astronomical Union 2009 Aug. 15.
Barry, Patrick.
"In Search of Antimatter Galaxies."
NASA 2009 Aug. 14.
Britt, Robert Roy.
"Strong Meteor Shower Expected Tonight."
Yahoo/ 2009 Aug. 11.
Hsu, Spencer S. and Cecilia Kang.
"U.S. Web-Tracking Plan Stirs Privacy Fears."
The Washington Post 2009 Aug. 11.
Johnson, Carla K.
"Aspirin shows promise for colon cancer patients."
Yahoo/AP 2009 Aug. 11.
Phillips, Dr. Tony.
"Horse Flies and Meteors."
NASA 2009 Aug. 10.
Regarding upcoming Perseid Meteor Shower, Aug. 11-13.
"Meteorite Found On Mars Yields Clues About Planet's Past."
NASA 2009 Aug. 10.
Klotz, Irene.
"NASA wants proposals for space taxis."
Yahoo/Reuters 2009 Aug. 10.
Moskowitz, Clara.
"Two Worlds Collide in Deep Space."
Yahoo/ 2009 Aug. 10.
"Optimistic Women Live Longer, Healthier."
Yahoo/ 2009 Aug. 10.
Dr. Hilary A. Tindle, lead author of the study and assistant professor
of medicine at the University of Pittsburgh.
Lin Erdman, Shelby.
"Kepler telescope makes quick discovery."
CNN 2009 Aug. 9.
"Pittsburgh-area Native and NASA Astronaut Commander Inspects Latrobe
Specialty Steel's Production of Space-worthy Alloy." 2009 Aug. 8.
Astronaut and Col. Mike Fincke, who credits Pittsburgh's original
Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science
for his career choice.
"NASA'S Orion Spacecraft Makes Stops During Florida-Texas Trek."
NASA 2009 Aug. 7.
"What Hit Jupiter?"
NASA 2009 Aug. 3.
"Lack of Vitamin D in Children 'Shocking'."
Yahoo/ 2009 Aug. 3.
David, Brian.
"Obituary: Michael Eversmeyer / Architect worked to save historic Pittsburgh buildings."
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 2009 Aug. 3.
"Vitamin D may live up to hype."
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review/AP 2009 Aug. 2.
"Mysterious bright spot found on Venus."
New Scientist Magazine On-Line 2009 July 29.
"Astronaut tool bag to drop on earth."
Deccan Chronicle On The Web 2009 July 29.
Dunn, Marcia.
"Shuttle undocks after 11 days at space station."
Yahoo/AP 2009 July 28.
"Total Amateurs Discover 'Green Pea' Galaxies."
Yahoo/ 2009 July 28.
"NASA Honors Apollo Astronaut Al Worden With Moon Rock."
The Houston Chronicle 2009 July 28.
"Save Swine Flu Drugs for Younger Patients, Study Urges."
Yahoo/HealthDay 2009 July 28.
Krebs, Brian.
"'Smart Grid' Raises Security Concerns."
The Washington Post 2009 July 28.
Vogel, Carol.
"Stripping Away the Darkness as Murals Are Reborn."
The New York Times 2009 July 26.
Kardel, Scott.
"Lost History?" Blog.
Palomar Skies 2009 July 25.
Naeye, Robert.
"Clouds Part for Solar Eclipse."
Sky and Telescope Magazine On-Line 2009 July 22.
"The Impact on Jupiter!"
Sky and Telescope Magazine On-Line 2009 July 20.
MacRobert, Alan.
"Apollo Landers Seen on the Moon."
Sky and Telescope Magazine On-Line 2009 July 17.
News Archives Page |
News: Astronomy, Space, Science |
"Calif.-based SpaceX launches Malaysia satellite."
Yahoo/AP 2009 July 14.
"NASA Plays Audio "Time Capsule" of Historic Apollo 11 Mission."
NASA 2009 July 14.
"U.S. Human Space Flight Review Committee Announces Public Meetings."
NASA 2009 July 14.
"Shuttle launch postponed for third straight day."
CNN 2009 July 13.
"Space Shuttle Endeavour Scheduled to Launch July 15."
NASA 2009 July 13.
"Committee Chair Sets Teleconference To Discuss Space Flight Review."
NASA 2009 July 13.
Beatty, Kelly.
"U.S. Meteorite Hunters Go Bicoastal."
Sky and Telescope Magazine On-Line 2009 July 13.
Word, Ron.
"Lightning delays space shuttle Endeavour launch."
Yahoo/AP 2009 July 11.
"Launch of NASA's Space Shuttle Endeavour Postponed Until Sunday."
NASA 2009 July 11.
"NASA Probe Looks at Bright Side of Mars."
Yahoo/ 2009 July 6.
"Where Tomorrow's Stars Will Be Born."
Yahoo/ 2009 July 6.
Sims, Brad.
"NASA: it snows on Mars." 2009 July 6.
Leonard, Tom.
"Nasa experts scale back moon and Mars plans in face of Obama funding cut fears."
Telegraph, London On-Line 2009 July 6.
Thomas, Jen.
"Israeli archaeologists discover ancient quarry."
Yahoo/AP 2009 July 6.
Heinrichs, Allison M.
"Experts: Carnegie missing out on research opportunities with skeleton crew."
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 2009 July 5.
Kardel, Scott.
"4th of July Fireworks in 1054 A.D." Blog. 2009 July 4.
Dunn, Marcia.
"NASA: Fuel test a success, shuttle launch day set."
Yahoo/AP 2009 July1.
de Selding, Peter B.
"World's Largest Commercial Satellite Launched to Space."
Yahoo/ 2009 July 1.
Beatty, Kelly.
"Ulysses Gets a Final Farewell."
Sky and Telescope Magazine On-Line 2009 July 1.
Heinrichs, Allison M.
"Carnegie Museum of Natural History paleontologist helps find a new 'link'."
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 2009 July 1.
Templeton, David.
"Carnegie Museum's research kept going by donations, volunteers."
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 2009 July 1.
Moskowitz, Clara.
"Volcano's Eruption Creates Colorful U.S. Sunsets."
Yahoo/ 2009 July 1.
Musgrove, Mike.
"Va. Firm to Offer Pocket-Size Satellite Phone."
The Washington Post 2009 July 1.
"India to view longest solar eclipse on July 22."
The Hindu On-Line 2009 July 1.
Gorman, Steve.
"Solar orbiter Ulysses ends mission after 18 years."
Boston Globe 2009 June 30.
Spears, Tom.
"Canadian astronaut learns way around space station."
Ottawa Citizen On-Line 2009 June 30.
Borenstein, Seth.
"NASA manager pitches a cheaper return-to-moon plan."
Yahoo/AP 2009 June 30.
"Space Station Appearing Nationwide Over July 4 Weekend."
NASA 2009 June 30.
Moskowitz, Clara.
"Uranium Found on the Moon."
Yahoo/ 2009 June 29.
"NASA, Japan Release Most Complete Topographic Map of Earth."
NASA 2009 June 29.
Wood, Lamont.
"The lost NASA tapes: Restoring lunar images after 40 years in the vault." 2009 June 29.
"NASA Announces Apollo Anniversary Events, News Conference."
NASA 2009 June 26.
"Space Station Room With a View."
NASA 2009 June 26.
"NASA Gives Media, Public Look Inside Apollo Moon Rock Vault."
NASA 2009 June 25.
"NASA Selects Proposals to Enhance Science Education and Outreach."
NASA 2009 June 24.
"Salt Finding from NASA's Cassini Hints at Ocean within Saturn Moon."
NASA 2009 June 24.
"NASA Moon Impactor Successfully Completes Lunar Maneuver."
NASA 2009 June 23.
"NASA Lunar Mission Successfully Enters Moon Orbit."
NASA 2009 June 23.
"New NASA Missions to Reach Moon Tuesday, Sending Back Live Video."
NASA 2009 June 22.
Lammers, Dirk.
"Work begins on world's deepest underground lab."
Yahoo/AP 2009 June 22.
Thompson, Carolyn.
"Sorry, Paul Simon, Kodak's taking Kodachrome away."
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review On-Line/AP 2009 June 22.
Kodachrome first commercially successful color picture film: 1935.
Hart, Kim.
"Digital TV Switch Is a Boon for One Local Station." Column.
The Washington Post 2009 June 22.
"Donors trying to keep replica war ship sailing in Erie."
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette On-Line/AP 2009 June 22.
Sun, Lena H.
"Timing Next Bus's Arrival Won't Be Guesswork."
The Washington Post 2009 June 21.
"NASA Returning to the Moon with First Lunar Launch in a Decade."
NASA 2009 June 18.
Weber, Bruce.
"John A. Eddy, Solar Detective, Dies at 78."
The New York Times 2009 June 18.
In 1976, Dr. Eddy published a paper recognizing the Maunder Minimum,
a period of time "from 1645 to 1715, the surface of the sun was inordinately calm,
with the magnetic storms that often roil it — as indicated by the presence
of sunspots — peculiarly absent."
"Mystery of the Missing Sunspots, Solved?"
NASA 2009 June 17.
Dunn, Marcia.
"Hydrogen gas leak forces another launch delay."
The Washington Post On-Line 2009 June 17.
"Fuel Leak Again Postpones Launch of Space Shuttle Endeavour."
NASA 2009 June 17.
Bryner, Jeanna.
"Fossil Solves Mystery of Dinosaur Finger Evolution."
Yahoo/ 2009 June 17.
Daly, Matthew.
"EPA declares health emergency in Montana town."
Yahoo/AP 2009 June 17.
Boyer, Lauren.
"Heinz History Center chosen to run Fort Pitt Museum."
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette On-Line 2009 June 17.
"Agenda Released for U.S. Human Space Flight Plans Meeting."
NASA 2009 June 16.
"NASA Sets Coverage for Goes-O Launch on June 26."
NASA 2009 June 16.
Tierney, John.
"Golfing Through the Stratosphere."
The New York Times 2009 June 15.
Foust, Jeff.
"Preview: Live from the Moon." Film Review. 2009 June 15.
"NASA Postpones Launch of Space Shuttle Endeavour."
NASA 2009 June 13.
Nakashima, Ryan.
"700,000 callers phone digital TV hot line."
Yahoo/AP 2009 June 13.
"Boy Hit by Meteorite."
Yahoo/ 2009 June 12.
Dunn, Marcia.
"Everything looking up for Saturday space launch."
Yahoo/AP 2009 June 12.
Zarrella, John.
"With Endeavour trip, NASA to unite 'lucky 13'."
CNN 2009 June 12.
"Space Spotlight: Preparing for liftoff."
CNN 2009 June 12.
Sevensson, Peter.
"Friday marks final signoff for analog TV service."
Yahoo/AP 2009 June 12.
"Dawn of digital-only TV arrives; analog just a static memory."
CNN 2009 June 12.
"NASA Sets Media Availability for Human Space Flight Committee."
NASA 2009 June 12.
Britt, Robert Roy.
"Reindeer & Caribou Populations Plunge."
Yahoo/ 2009 June 11.
"NASA's Ares I-X Rocket Achieves Historic Hardware Milestones."
NASA 2009 June 11.
"NASA's Glenn Research Center Ties to Upcoming Space Shuttle Launch."
NASA 2009 June 11.
"Moon Magic: New Tool To Visualize Past, Future Lunar Eclipses." 2009 June 10.
"NASA Announces STS-127 Prelaunch and Mission Web Coverage."
NASA 2009 June 9.
"NASA Announces Winners in Second Annual Lunar Art Contest."
NASA 2009 June 8.
"NASA Launches Human Space Flight Review Web Site for Public Use."
NASA 2009 June 5.
"NASA Sets Lunar Spacecraft Launch Coverage Events."
NASA 2009 June 5.
"Delayed spacewalk ends successfully."
Yahoo/AP 2009 June 5.
"Mars orbiter enters safe mode after disturbance."
Yahoo/AP 2009 June 4.
Chang, Kenneth.
"Paul Haney, Voice of Mission Control, Dies at 80." Blog.
Philosophy of Science Portal 2009 June 3.
"The Mystery of Australia's Stonehenge." Blog. 2009 June 3.
Ghosh, Pallab.
"Armstrong's 'poetic' slip on Moon."
BBC 2009 June 3.
Also see:
Apollo 11 Lunar Surface Journal: One Small Step.
Klotz, Irene.
"NASA plans launch invitations to Twittering media."
Yahoo/Reuters 2009 June 1.
"NASA's Shuttle Program Hands Over Launch Pad to Constellation."
NASA 2009 June 1.
Malik, Tariq and Clara Moskowitz.
"Shuttle Endeavour Gets Piggyback Ride Home."
Yahoo/ 2009 June 1.
Schneider, Bonnie.
"Early storms don't guarantee busy hurricane season."
CNN 2009 June 1.
Keller, Bradley Brooksgreg.
"Searches on both sides of vast Atlantic Ocean
for Air France jet missing with 228 people."
Chicago Tribune On-Line 2009 June 1.
"New Station Crew Launches on Soyuz; Briefing From Space on June 1."
NASA 2009 May 27.
"NASA Selects Student's Entry as New Mars Rover Name."
NASA 2009 May 27.
Dunn, Marcia.
"NASA scraps landing for shuttle 2nd day in a row."
Yahoo/AP 2009 May 23.
Borenstein, Seth.
"Uncertain NASA gets familiar former astronaut boss."
Yahoo/AP 2009 May 23.
"NASA's Space Shuttle Landing Delayed by Weather."
NASA 2009 May 23.
"Tiny seahorse, world's longest insect among top new species."
CNN 2009 May 22.
Levy, David H.
"A 1967 Meteor Watch."
Sky and Telescope Magazine On-Line 2009 May 22.
Astronomy program at a boy’s summer camp near Honesdale, Pennsylvania.
Daum, Valerie.
"Space Shuttle Crew Bids Hubble Farewell."
Sky and Telescope Magazine On-Line 2009 May 20.
Klotz, Irene.
"Hubble's troubles surprised shuttle crew."
Yahoo/Reuters 2009 May 20.
"Six new European astronauts prepare for final frontier."
CNN 2009 May 20.
"NASA Study Shows Asteroids May Have Accelerated Life on Earth."
NASA 2009 May 20.
"NASA Opens Media Accreditation for Launch of Moon Missions."
NASA 2009 May 20.
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter & Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite
scheduled for launch 2009 June 17 at 3:51 p.m. EDST.
"Obama's Day: Economy, mortgages, space shuttle."
Yahoo/AP 2009 May 20.
"The president also will talk with the crew of the space shuttle Atlantis."
"Upgrades to extend Hubble's life by 5 to 10 years."
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review On-Line/
The Washington Post 2009 May 19.
Heinrichs, Allison M.
"Geologist couple mine golden discovery at Carnegie museum."
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 2009 May 17.
Klotz, Irene.
"Spacewalkers struggle with Hubble steering system."
Yahoo/Reuters 2009 May 15.
Malik, Tariq.
"Space Shuttle, Hubble Spotted Crossing the Sun."
Yahoo/ 2009 May 15.
Coulter, Dauna.
"Wake up and smell the coffee -- on the Moon!"
NASA 2009 May 15.
"NASA Names Winners in High School Supersonic Research Contest."
NASA 2009 May 15.
Moskowitz, Clara.
"First Twitter Message From Space Sent."
Yahoo/ 2009 May 14.
"NASA, Newseum Celebrate 40th Anniversary of Apollo 10 on May 18."
NASA 2009 May 14.
Rettner, Rachael.
"Monkeys Ponder What Could Have Been."
Yahoo/ 2009 May 14.
Dunn, Marcia.
"Atlantis astronauts capture Hubble Space Telescope."
Yahoo/AP 2009 May 13.
"Surprise! Daydreaming Really Works the Brain."
Yahoo/ 2009 May 13.
"The secret life of penguins revealed."
Yahoo/AFP 2009 May 13.
Malik, Tariq.
"Astronauts Spot Small Dings on Shuttle Heat Shield."
Yahoo/ 2009 May 12.
Hanna, Bill.
"Parasitic flies turn fire ants into zombies."
Yahoo/Fort Worth Star-Telegram 2009 May 12.
"NASA's Shuttle Atlantis Launches on a Final Mission to Hubble."
NASA 2009 May 11.
Martel, L. M. V. (May, 2009)
"Better Know a Meteorite Collection: Natural History Museum, Vienna, Austria." (date accessed).
"New Horizons Team Remembers Venetia Phair, the ‘Girl Who Named Pluto’."
NASA 2009 May 8.
"NASA Announces STS-125 Shuttle Prelaunch and Mission Web Coverage."
NASA 2009 May 8.
Schmid, Randolph E.
"Warning: Sunspot cycle beginning to rise."
Yahoo/AP 2009 May 8.
Barr, Robert.
"Woman who named Pluto as girl dead at 90."
Edmonton Sun/AP 2009 May 7.
"NASA Releases Interactive 3-D Views of Space Station, New Mars Rover."
NASA 2009 May 7.
Borenstein, Seth.
"White House orders review of NASA space plans."
Yahoo/AP 2009 May 7.
Joshi, Jitendra.
"Obama orders review of NASA's shuttle replacement."
Yahoo/AFP 2009 May 7.
Klotz, Irene.
"Obama orders review of NASA plan to return to moon."
Yahoo/Reuters 2009 May 7.
"NASA Sets Teleconference To Discuss Human Space Flight Review."
NASA 2009 May 7.
"NASA Announces Fiscal Year 2010 Budget."
NASA 2009 May 7.
Britt, Robert Roy.
"World's Smallest Light Bulb Created."
Yahoo/ 2009 May 7.
"NASA's Spitzer Telescope Warms Up to New Career."
NASA 2009 May 6.
"Venetia Phair."
The Telegraph, London 2009 May 5.
"NASA Announces Shuttle Prelaunch Events And Countdown Details."
NASA 2009 May 1.
"NASA and Lockheed Martin Celebrate Space Day 2009."
NASA 2009 April 29.
"New Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record."
NASA Science 2009 April 28.
"New Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record."
NASA 2009 April 28.
"NASA Nanosatellite to Study Antifungal Drug Effectiveness in Space."
NASA 2009 April 28.
"Students from NASA Explorer Schools Nationwide Meet in Houston."
NASA 2009 April 28.
Kluger, Jeffrey.
"Maybe an Asteroid Didn't Kill the Dinosaurs."
Time Magazine 2009 April 27.
Pogrebin, Robin.
"Preservation Group Lists Most Endangered Places."
The New York Times 2009 April 27.
Wilford, John Noble.
"A Tiny Hominid With No Place on the Family Tree."
The New York Times 2009 April 27.
Taylor, Mark C.
"End the University as We Know It." Op-Ed.
The New York Times 2009 April 26.
Reebs, Stephan.
"Dinosaurs Lived in the Arctic."
Yahoo/ History Magazine 2009 April 25.
Stevenson, Mark.
"Mexico fights swine flu with 'pandemic potential'."
Yahoo/AP 2009 April 25.
Gambrell, Jon.
"Arkansas reclaims its status as the Bear State."
Yahoo/AP 2009 April 25.
Rao, Joe.
"Enjoy the Beauty of a Thin Crescent Moon."
Yahoo/ 2009 April 24.
"Mars Rover Recovers from Amnesia."
Yahoo/ 2009 April 24.
"NC State Researchers "Clear Away the Dust" To Get Better Look at
Youngest Supernova Remnant." 2009 April 24.
"ESI laser ablation system dates and analyzes asteroids." 2009 April 24.
Pirillo, Chris.
"Why dirty up my hands with newsprint?"
CNN 2009 April 24.
Ansari, Azadeh.
"'Climate change' forces Eskimos to abandon village."
CNN 2009 April 24.
David, Leonard.
"Moon Dust May Be Worse Than Apollo Missions Found."
Yahoo/ 2009 April 21.
"Hubble Photographs Cosmic Fountain."
Yahoo/ 2009 April 21.
"Scientists discover an Earth-sized planet."
Yahoo/AP 2009 April 21.
"Florida House passes space research bill."
Jacksonville Business Journal On-Line 2009 April 21.
Charleton, Angela.
"Humanity's earliest written works go online."
Yahoo/AP 2009 April 21.
"New delay for European space telescope rocket."
Yahoo/AP 2009 April 20.
"NASA, NSBRI Select 12 Proposals to Support Crew Health on Missions."
NASA 2009 April 20.
"NASA Airs HD Earth Views from Space Station for Earth Day."
NASA 2009 April 20.
"NASA's Apollo 14 Legacy Continues with Earth Day Tree Planting."
NASA 2009 April 20.
"The Surprising Shape of Solar Storms."
NASA 2009 April 14.
"NASA Spacecraft Show Three Dimensional Anatomy of a Solar Storm."
NASA 2009 April 14.
"NASA photos show giant cosmic hand."
CNN 2009 April 14.
"Mars Rover Inexplicably Reboots Computer."
Yahoo/ 2009 April 14.
"Online Poll for NASA's Greatest Hits for Earth Begins Today."
NASA 2009 April 14.
"Scientist: First cloned camel born in Dubai."
Yahoo/AP 2009 April 14.
Harding, Anne.
"Lack of 'team spirit' at work tied to depression."
Yahoo/Reuters 2009 April 14.
"IMLS Celebrates National Library Week."
Institute of Museum and Library Services 2009 April 14.
"NASA's Space Shuttle Endeavour Moves to Launch Pad Friday."
NASA 2009 April 13.
"400 Years of the Telescope."
To Be Broadcast: PBS-TV 2009 April 10, 10:00 p.m. EDST
(Check local PBS-TV station for other dates and times.)
Thompson, Andrea.
"Edge of Space Found."
Yahoo/ 2009 April 9.
"STEREO Hunts for Remains of an Ancient Planet near Earth."
NASA 2009 April 9.
Britt, Robert Roy.
"Job Promotions Unhealthy, Study Finds."
Yahoo/ 2009 April 9.
Thompson, Estes.
"Hurricane forecaster predicts average '09 season."
Yahoo/AP 2009 April 9.
Cronin, Mike.
"Emsworth astronaut wraps up six-month stay in space."
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review On-Line 2009 April 8.
"Russian spacecraft lands with space tourist."
CNN 2009 April 8.
"Space Station Crew Lands in Soyuz after Successful Mission."
NASA 2009 April 8.
"Beyond Apollo: Moon Tech Takes a Giant Leap."
NASA 2009 April 8.
Schackner, Bill.
"Obituary: Joost Kiewiet de Jonge / Retired Pitt astronomy professor."
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 2009 April 8.
Served as Interim Director of Allegheny Observatory, 1970 to 1977.
"Cover Taken Off Planet-Hunting Telescope." 2009 April 8.
Herskovitz, Jon.
"North Korea celebrates launch, makes new threat."
Yahoo/Reuters 2009 April 8.
Hsu, Jeremy.
"Friendly 'Death Star' Laser to Recreate Sun's Power." 2009 April 8.
Calabresi, Massimo.
"Wikipedia for Spies: The CIA Discovers Web 2.0."
Yahoo/Time Magazine On-Line 2009 April 8.
Holland, Steve and Randall Mikkelsen.
"Has power grid been hacked? U.S. won't say."
Yahoo/Reuters 2009 April 8.
"Astronauts Need Tougher Workouts in Space." 2009 April 7.
"NASA Selects Material for Orion Spacecraft Heat Shield."
NASA 2009 April 7.
"Hubble Photographs a Big Ol' Galaxy." 2009 April 7.
Kim, Kwang-Tae.
"North Korea watched intently for rocket launch."
Yahoo/AP 2009 April 3.
""Signatures in Space" Connects Kids to Space Day Celebrations."
NASA 2009 April 3.
"Preparations for HST SM4 Continue at the Kennedy Space Center."
NASA 2009 April 3.
"Massive Antarctic ice shelf set to break loose."
Yahoo/AFP 2009 April 3.
Britt, Robert Roy.
"Bees Brains Morph to Avoid Mid-Life Crisis."
Yahoo/ 2009 April 3.
Bongiorno, Lori.
"When to switch off your lights." Blog.
Yahoo/The Conscious Consumer blog 2009 April 2.
"Deep Solar Minimum."
NASA 2009 April 1.
Hadhazy, Adam.
"World's largest laser completed:
Nuclear fusion, Death Star battle stations next? Blog.
Scientific American Magazine On-Line 2009 April 1.
"Space Shuttle Discovery Set to Land Saturday."
NASA 2009 March 25.
"NASA's Space Shuttle Atlantis to Move to Launch Pad Tuesday."
NASA 2009 March 25.
"NASA's Kepler Telescope to Launch Aboard Delta II Rocket."
NASA 2009 Feb. 26.
"Space Shuttle Program Completes New Plan for Next Launch."
NASA 2009 Feb. 25.
"NASA Defers Setting Next Shuttle Launch Date."
NASA 2009 Feb. 20.
Leroux, Valerie.
"Russia locks up six for Mars experiment."
Yahoo/AFP 2009 March 31.
"LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION to proclaim April 2-5, 2009,
as 100 Hours of Astronomy in the State of New York."
New York State Assembly 2009 March 31.
"NASA Honors Gemini and Apollo Astronaut James Lovell."
NASA 2009 March 31.
McGroarty, Patrick.
"CT scan reveals hidden face under Nefertiti bust."
Yahoo/AP 2009 March 31.
"NASA's Shuttle Discovery Glides Home After Successful Mission."
NASA 2009 March 28.
"Space Shuttle Discovery Set to Land Saturday."
NASA 2009 March 25.
"NASA's Space Shuttle Atlantis to Move to Launch Pad Tuesday."
NASA 2009 March 25.
"US: North Korea loading rocket on launch pad."
Yahoo/AP 2009 March 25.
"Hawaii Students to Receive Special Call from Space."
NASA 2009 March 25.
"NASA and Microsoft to Make Universe of Data Available to the Public."
NASA 2009 March 24.
Baltimore, Chris.
"Obama quizzes astronauts about life in space."
Yahoo/Reuters 2009 March 24.
U.S. President Barack Obama, along with several Washington-area school children,
quizzed several astronauts in orbit aboard the International Space Station, including
Mike Fincke, who credits Pittsburgh's original Buhl Planetarium for his interest in
becoming an astronaut.
"Veteran Astronaut Scott Parazynski Leaves NASA."
NASA 2009 March 24.
"NASA Sets Teleconference To Discuss Recovered Meteorites."
NASA 2009 March 23.
Bridgel, John M. and Bruce Reed.
"Don't discount the value or distress of nonprofits."
Detroit Free Press 2009 March 23.
"ISS Spacewalkers Test Planetary Protection Concept."
NASA 2009 March 20.
Barcousky, Len.
"Threatened museums look to partners
Fort Pitt and Bushy Run could be closed."
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 2009 March 20.
"NASA and ESA Select Science Investigations for Solar Orbiter."
NASA 2009 March 20.
"NASA's Space Shuttle Mission Reports Now Available in Spanish."
NASA 2009 March 20.
"Final Hardware For Test Of NASA's New Rocket Arrives In Florida."
NASA 2009 March 19.
Conte, Andrew.
"Budget cuts may close Fort Pitt Museum, Bushy Run."
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 2009 March 19.
"IMLS Seeks Applications for Save America’s Treasures Program."
Institute of Museum and Library Services 2009 March 19.
Vogel, Carol.
"A Special Section: Museums - Wish You Were Here.
The New York Times 2009 March 18.
Klotz, Irene.
"Space station's wings get a lift from robot arms."
Yahoo/Reuters 2009 March 18.
Ritter, Malcolm.
"Dinosaur find raises debate on feather evolution."
Yahoo/AP 2009 March 18.
"Space shuttle Discovery blasts off with bat stowaway."
CNN 2009 March 18.
"NASA Debuts Unique Movie on a Sphere About Frozen Earth."
NASA 2009 March 18.
"NASA Celebrates Sun-Earth Day With Illuminating Webcast."
NASA 2009 March 18.
"Rose family protests 'plundering' of Mass. museum." 2009 March 17.
"Rare Fossil Octopuses Found."
Yahoo/ 2009 March 18.
"Space Station Construction Visible in Backyard Telescopes."
NASA 2009 March 17.
Pogrebin, Robin.
"Bill Seeks to Regulate Museums’ Art Sales."
The New York Times 2009 March 17.
"NASA Launches International Space Station Webcam Streaming Video."
NASA 2009 March 10.
"US, Russian spacemen take spacewalk: mission control."
Yahoo/AFP 2009 March 10.
"NASA postpones Mars Odyssey reboot."
Yahoo/AP 2009 March 10.
"NASA Launches International Space Station Webcam Streaming Video."
NASA 2009 March 10.
Blake, Laurie.
"Buildings kill lights to save birds' lives:
The Audubon Society's expanding "Lights Out" campaign
is aimed at preventing birds from flying into
buildings during spring migration." Star Tribune 2009 March 9.
Smerd, Jeremy.
"A Shared Vision to Dazzle Urbanites With the Night Sky."
The New York Times 2009 March 8.
Dunn, Marcia.
"Telescope blasts into space to find other Earths."
Yahoo/AP 2009 March 7.
"NASA's Kepler Mission Rockets to Space in Search of Other Earths."
NASA 2009 March 7.
Howell, Donna.
"John Brashear Kept His Goals In Sharp Focus."
Investor's Business Daily 2009 March 5: A3.
< >. Posted 2009 March 4. Viewed 2009 March 5.
(Reprint of 2006 Oct. 18 article)
Howell, Donna.
"John Brashear Kept His Goals In Sharp Focus."
Investor's Business Daily 2006 Oct. 18: A3.
(Donna Howell, Technology Reporter, Investor's Business Daily)
Friends of the Zeiss Project Director Glenn A. Walsh is extensively
quoted in this national business newspaper article, regarding the life of
famous 19th century astronomer and lens maker
John A. Brashear,
who was a confidant of
Andrew Carnegie and
Henry Clay Frick.
Lecavelier des Etangs, A. and A. Vidal-Madjar.
"Is Beta Pic b the transiting planet of November 1981?" Abstract. 2009 March 5.
Levy, David H.
"Enjoy the Rest Flandrau, We’ll Miss You."
Sky and Telescope Magazine 2009 March 4.
Regarding closing of Tucson’s Flandrau Planetarium.
"NASA Announces Change for Return of Station Crew Members."
NASA 2009 March 3.
"Pretty Sky Alert."
NASA 2009 Feb. 26.
"NASA's Kepler Telescope to Launch Aboard Delta II Rocket."
NASA 2009 Feb. 26.
"NASA Statement About Budget Overview for Fiscal Year 2010."
NASA 2009 Feb. 26.
"Otherworldly Solar Eclipse."
NASA 2009 Feb. 25.
"Space Shuttle Program Completes New Plan for Next Launch."
NASA 2009 Feb. 25.
Malik, Tariq.
"NASA's global warming satellite falls to Earth."
MSNBC/ 2009 Feb. 24.
"NASA's Launch Of Carbon-Seeking Satellite is Unsuccessful."
NASA 2009 Feb. 24.
Lee, Jean H.
"NKorea prepares launch: Satellite or missile?"
KQV-AM NewsRadio, Pittsburgh/AP 2009 Feb. 24.
"Robotics Competition Makes First Appearance In Washington."
NASA 2009 Feb. 23.
Merritt, Grace E.
"UConn President Considers Closing Campus Museums."
The Hartford Courant 2009 Feb. 23.
"NASA Defers Setting Next Shuttle Launch Date."
NASA 2009 Feb. 20.
"Segment of Ares I-X Test Rocket Arrives at Kennedy."
NASA 2009 Feb. 20.
"Extreme Gamma-ray Burst."
NASA 2009 Feb. 20.
"Kepler Mission to Hunt for Earth-like Planets."
NASA 2009 Feb. 20.
"Be Part Of History -- Help NASA Name The Next Space Station Module."
NASA 2009 Feb. 20.
Phillips, Dr. Tony.
"Spectacular Photo-op on Saturn."
NASA 2009 Feb. 19.
Feb. 24: quadruple transit of Saturn's moons.
"NASA's Fermi Telescope Sees Most Extreme Gamma-Ray Blast Yet."
NASA 2009 Feb. 19.
Motizuki, Yuko, et al.
"An Antarctic ice core recording both supernovae and solar cycles." Abstract. 2009 Feb. 19.
"NASA Awards Construction Contract for Rocket Engine Testing."
NASA 2009 Feb. 19.
"NASA Teachers Turned Astronauts Have Messages for Educators and Students."
NASA 2009 Feb. 19.
"NASA, Channel One News Linkup With Next Shuttle Mission;
ents Can Submit Questions For Astronauts."
NASA 2009 Feb. 19.
Devlin, Kate.
"Anti-freeze chemicals 'could indicate life on Mars'."
Telegraph, London 2009 Feb. 18.
"Branson tells German magazine he'll test-fly spacecraft this year." 2009 Feb. 18.
Malik, Tariq.
"Bold New Missions to Jupiter and Saturn Planned."
Yahoo/ 2009 Feb. 18.
"Pittsburgh Boring Couple's Lawsuit Vs. Google Dismissed."
WTAE-TV 4, Pittsburgh 2009 Feb. 18.
Couple claimed violation of privacy by "Google Earth" on-line photos of home.
Cronin, Mike.
"Students interview Emsworth astronaut as he flies overhead."
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 2009 Feb. 18.
Ritchie, Jim.
"Researcher will join Carnegie museum."
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 2009 Feb. 18.
"Can Exercising Your Brain Prevent Memory Loss?"
Science Daily 2009 Feb. 18.
Beatty, Kelly.
"Dawn's Fleeting Fling With Mars."
Sky and Telescope Magazine On-Line 2009 Feb. 17.
Borenstein, Seth.
"Backward green comet makes one-time only visit."
Yahoo/AP 2009 Feb. 17.
"NASA Orbiting Carbon Observatory on a Taurus XL Ready for Launch."
NASA 2009 Feb. 17.
"NASA Mission To Seek Water Ice On Moon Heads To Florida For Launch."
NASA 2009 Feb. 17.
Fleming, Adam.
"Dead of Winter."
Pittsburgh City Paper 2009 Feb. 12.
Rare disease affects bat populations in Pennsylvania.
Wade, Nicholas.
"Scientists in Germany Draft Neanderthal Genome."
The New York Times 2009 Feb. 12.
"U.S., Russian satellites collide in space."
Yahoo/Reuters 2009 Feb. 11.
"2 orbiting satellites collide 500 miles up."
Yahoo/AP 2009 Feb. 11.
Beatty, Kelly.
"Tales From the Far Side – I: Did the Moon Do a Face Flip?"
Sky and Telescope Magazine On-Line 2009 Feb. 11.
"Missions extended to study Mars, Venus, and Earth's magnetosphere."
Astronomy Magazine On-Line 2009 Feb. 11.
"Telescopes do a triple take."
MSNBC 2009 Feb. 11.
"Egypt unveils ancient mummy, part of new discovery."
Yahoo/AP 2009 Feb. 11.
"NASA Lunar Spacecraft Ships South In Preparation For Launch."
NASA 2009 Feb. 11.
"Hubble Astronauts Refine Their Skills at Goddard."
NASA 2009 Feb. 11.
Whoriskey, Peter and Kim Hart.
"500 TV Stations Still Plan to Make Digital Switch Next Week."
The Washington Post 2009 Feb. 11: D1.
Phillips, Dr. Tony.
"Gamma-ray Flare Star."
NASA 2009 Feb. 10.
"NASA's Great Observatories Celebrate International Year of Astronomy."
NASA 2009 Feb. 10.
"Space Spotlight: New stars in the Milky Way."
CNN 2009 Feb. 10.
"Stardust Logs A Decade Under The Stars."
NASA/JPL 2009 Feb. 7.
"NKorea pursuing space programme, says state media." 2009 Feb. 7.
"NASA delays shuttle launch to February 22."
Yahoo/Reuters 2009 Feb. 6.
"NASA Continues Assessment of the Next Shuttle Mission."
NASA 2009 Feb. 6.
Pontz, Zach.
"More turning to Web to watch TV, movies."
CNN 2009 Feb. 6.
Shambora, Jessica.
"Kindle sparks excitement for e-books."
CNN/Fortune Magazine On-Line 2009 Feb. 6.
Alonso-Zaldivar, Ricardo.
"FDA OKs 1st drug from genetically altered animals."
Yahoo/AP 2009 Feb. 6.
Hart, Kim.
"Congress Delays Troubled Switch To Digital TV."
The Washington Post 2009 Feb. 5: A1.
Thompson, Andrea.
"Antarctic Meltdown Would Flood Washington, D.C."
Yahoo/ 2009 Feb. 5.
"Shelton, Hay Respond to Massive Higher Education Budget Cuts."
University of Arizona 2009 Feb. 2.
Massive state budget cuts include closing of Tucson's Flandrau Planetarium/
"NASA and Google Launch Virtual Exploration of Mars."
NASA 2009 Feb. 2.
"NASA Selects Teams for Moon Impact Observation Campaign."
NASA 2009 Feb. 2.
Coulter, Dauna.
"Mars Technology Helps Create Inauguration Mega-picture."
NASA 2009 Feb. 2.
Bryner, Jeanna.
"On Titan: It's raining methane."
MSNBC/ 2009 Feb. 2.
Schmid, Randolph E.
"Earliest chocolate use found in what is now US."
Yahoo/AP 2009 Feb. 2.
Zabarenko, Deborah.
"Ten new amphibian species discovered in Colombia."
Yahoo/Reuters 2009 Feb. 2.
"Six more weeks of winter, Punxsutawney Phil says."
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette On-Line 2009 Feb. 2.
"NASA Continues to Fight for Government Funding." 2009 Jan. 30.
"Alaska volcano 'more energetic,' scientists say."
CNN 2009 Jan. 30.
Marchant, Jo.
"Review: Time in Antiquity by Robert Hannah."
New Scientist Magazine 2009 Jan. 28.
Werner, Debra.
"Cassini Team Pushes for 7-Year Extended Mission at Saturn."
Yahoo/ 2009 Jan. 27.
"Alarming Amounts Of Hipbone Strength Lost By Astronauts
On International Space Station."
Medical News 2009 Jan. 27.
"Veteran Space Shuttle Astronauts Selected
for 2009 U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame Induction. 2009 Jan. 27.
"Space Spotlight: The 'great dust storm'"
CNN 2009 Jan. 27.
Weekly series of space photographs.
"Cosmic rays reflect stratospheric weather."
UPI 2009 Jan. 27.
Pawlowski, A.
"Apocalypse in 2012? Date spawns theories, film"
CNN 2009 Jan. 27.
"Theories are fabricated on the basis of very little evidence, Maya scholar says."
Duke, Alan.
"Digital TV switch could be delayed by vote"
CNN 2009 Jan. 27.
"Global warming 'irreversible' for next 1000 years: study."
Yahoo/AFP 2009 Jan. 27.
Conte, Andrew.
"National Aviary CEO flies coop after two years."
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review On-Line 2009 Jan. 27.
LaRussa, Tony.
"CMU eyes high-tech for playground fun."
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 2009 Jan. 27.
Zolka, Karen.
"Rare 1,800-year-old figurine found in Jerusalem."
KQV-AM 1410 NewsRadio/AP 2009 Jan. 27.
Malik, Tariq.
"Space Station Astronauts Lose Bone Strength Fast."
Yahoo/ 2009 Jan. 26.
Foust, Jeff.
"Review: Sputnik Mania."
The Space Review 2009 Jan. 26.
Dobuzinskis, Alex.
""Star Trek" creator and wife's ashes space-bound."
The Boston Globe/Reuters 2009 Jan. 26.
Boren, Jeremy.
"Pittsburgh to begin solar-power experiment."
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 2009 Jan. 26.
Hakim, Zakki.
"Indonesians among the few to witness solar eclipse."
KQV-AM 1410 NewsRadio/AP 2009 Jan. 26.
Schmid, Randolph E.
"Report: Some climate damage already irreversible."
KQV-AM 1410 NewsRadio/AP 2009 Jan. 26.
"Seattle shows little love for Lucy fossil exhibit."
KQV-AM 1410 NewsRadio/AP 2009 Jan. 24.
Pacific Science Center faces half-million-dollar loss, including layoff of 8 percent
of museum staff, furloughs, and a wage freeze, due to disappointing attendance at
exhibit of one of earliest fossil remains of human ancestor.
"Media Invited to see New Hardware for NASA's Ares I-X Flight Test."
NASA 2009 Jan. 23.
"Deadly white nose syndrome seen in Pennsylvania bats."
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review On-Line 2009 Jan. 23.
"How Cobras Spit With Perfect Accuracy."
Yahoo/ 2009 Jan. 23.
Heinrichs, Allison M.
"Pitt: Female brains survive starvation better than males."
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 2009 Jan. 23.
Pullella, Philip.
"Galileo may get eyes checked posthumously."
MSNBC/Reuters 2009 Jan. 22.
"Space Shuttle Crew Visits Troops On Overseas Trip."
NASA 2009 Jan. 22.
Fabregas, Luis.
"Hospital-acquired infections dip in Pennsylvania."
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 2009 Jan. 22.
Isachenkov, Vladimir.
"Russia says old nuclear satellite poses no threat."
Yahoo/AP 2009 Jan. 21.
Page, Lewis.
"US aerospace giants stall Elon Musk's NASA deal
Can Falcon 9 overcome heavyweights' Washington pull?
The Register On-Line, London 2009 Jan. 21.
Vieru, Tudor.
"'Super-Neptune' Exoplanet Found Nearby." 2009 Jan. 21.
Phillips, Dr. Tony.
"Severe Space Weather."
NASA 2009 Jan. 21.
"Space Station Commander Guides New HD Tour Of Complex."
NASA 2009 Jan. 21.
Cruz, Gilbert.
"Q&A Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson."
Time Magazine 2009 Jan. 21.
Includes debate regarding "demotion" of planet Pluto.
"UFO group plans southeastern Pa. conference."
Philadelphia Inquirer On-Line/AP 2009 Jan. 21.
"Danes want to exhume Tycho Brahe in Prague."
Prague Daily Monitor 2009 Jan. 20.
Malik, Tariq.
"Astronauts Watch President Obama's Inauguration from Space."
Yahoo/ 2009 Jan. 20.
"Natural disasters doomed early civilization."
Yahoo/AP 2009 Jan. 19.
Andernach, Heinz.
"Safeguarding Old and New Journal Tables for the VO:
Status for Extragalactic and Radio Data." Abstract. 2009 Jan. 19.
O'Neill, Ian.
"Naming Pluto (Review)." 2009 Jan. 17.
Ruggles, Clive.
"Comment: Why we must save our astronomical heritage."
New Scientist Magazine 2009 Jan. 16.
Kaufman, Marc.
"Mars Vents Methane in What Could Be Sign of Life."
The Washington Post 2009 Jan. 16: A-4.
"First Look Inside Dark Moon Craters."
Yahoo/ 2009 Jan. 16.
Phillips, Dr. Tony.
"The Red Planet is Not a Dead Planet."
NASA 2009 Jan. 15.
"Giant Rockets Could Revolutionize Astronomy."
NASA 2009 Jan. 14.
Judson, Olivia.
"Guest Column: A New Kind of Big Science." Blog.
The New York Times 2009 Jan. 13.
"Milky Way spins faster, has more mass than thought: astronomers."
Yahoo/AFP 2009 Jan. 5.
"NASA-Funded Study Reveals Hazards of Severe Space Weather."
PR Newswire 2009 Jan. 5.
Peterson, Dan.
"Exercise Improves Old Brains."
Yahoo/ 2009 Jan. 5.
Wills, Rick.
"Bees' mysterious deaths still stumping scientists."
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 2009 Jan. 5.
"Mars rover mission reaches 5th anniversary."
Yahoo/AP 2009 Jan. 4.
Roth, Mark.
"CMU knows what's on your mind."
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 2009 Jan. 4.
Heinrichs, Allison M.
"High local incidence of serious asthma target of study."
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 2009 Jan. 4.
Zlatos, Bill.
"Carnegie Museums president earns praise for guidance."
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 2009 Jan. 4.
Heinrichs, Allison M.
"Private donors supply scientists with crucial tools for research."
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 2009 Jan. 3.
"Carnegie gets big donation from hospital,
Children's hands over $25,000 in surplus equipment."
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 2009 Jan. 3.
McLean, Demian.
"Obama Moves to Counter China in Space With Pentagon-NASA Link."
Yahoo/Bloomberg 2009 Jan. 2.
Biello, David.
"Did a Comet Hit Earth 12,000 Years Ago?"
Scientific American Magazine On-Line 2009 Jan. 2.
"Study: Diamonds link comet to mammal extinction."
CNN 2009 Jan. 2.
"More small quakes rattle Yellowstone National Park."
Yahoo/AP 2009 Jan. 2.
"Breakthroughs That Will Change Everything."
Yahoo/ 2009 Jan. 2.
Neergaard, Lauran.
"Exploiting nature to cut mosquitoes' life short."
Yahoo/AP 2009 Jan. 2.
Majors, Dan.
"Another fine mess: Science center's sloppy celebration amuses, educates youngsters."
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 2009 Jan. 2.
"Governor Bill Richardson Announces Spaceport America and
Virgin Galactic Sign Historic Lease Agreement." 2009 Jan. 1.
Thompson, Andrea.
"International Year of Astronomy: Get Cheap Telescopes!"
Yahoo/ 2009 Jan. 1.
"International Year of Astronomy 2009."
Sky and Telescope Magazine On-Line 2009 Jan. 1.
"Time added to 2008 allows for longer smooch."
CNN 2008 Dec. 31.
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